
Ones Class

Holy Cross Island School offers a unique program for our littlest preschoolers. A lot of growth and development occurs from 12-24 months. Our MWF 1's class is designed for children between 18-23 months who will turn two during the first half of the school year. Our TTH 1's class is designed for our littlest learners aged 12-17 months.  Children spend the morning enjoying free play, storytime, introduction to art, music, snack, and outside time. A major goal is for our children to feel loved and secure, which helps with separating from their parents and learning how to play with other little friends. Classes do participate in weekly chapel. Starting Fall of 2024, Ones classes will be offered from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. 


Tessa Raney-Hernandez

Ones - Lead

Katie Boyet

Ones - Assist

Reade Sikes

Ones - Assist